Monday, July 14, 2008

"Another In Need"

While reading about experiences that other donors have had, I came across a mother that was begging anyone with a blood type O, between the ages of 18-35 and willing to travel, as I am doing with my "adventure".
So, I thought I'd share his story. Here's what his mother wrote in another forum:

dl626 Member since 28-Dec-0727 posts
19-Jun-08, 08:48 PM (EDT)

"Time to find a donor A or O"

I haven't been on this site in a while, and I kept hoping that my son was holding his own, but we found out today that his kidney function has had a major slip in the past 2 months. We have to find a donor for a transplant to occur within the next 18 months.
Our transplant center, Columbia Presbyterian in New York, has sent out screening questionnaires to 3 potential donors, but I can't pin my hopes on that. I am still searching so if you know anybody...
I was happy to see some very familiar names still on the forum, so I am hoping that you are all well. I was so encouraged by the post from susie0607 who said that her brother's first transplant lasted 28 years! That could be us. Colin turns 19 on July 14th, and I want to see him live to be 99 (which means I'll be 100 - it was a miracle birth )
Happy anniversary to Gabriela - hers were the first encouraging words I received on joining the forum months ago. Hi Karol, Beandonor, Orchidlady and everybody else. Hang in there!
With positive thoughts and wishes,


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