Thursday, July 12, 2007

"The ICU Visit"

I woke up today thinking about some of the embarrassing moments that my children have caused. There is one that sticks in my mind more than any other. I thought I’d share it with you in hopes that you’ll sympathize with me.

A few months ago, when my youngest son was three, we were spending time at the hospital because my dad was in ICU. I knew when I brought my two youngest sons up there, it would be a mistake.

At first, things were going great! There was another family in the ICU waiting room. We had all been sitting up there for hours. Everything was pretty quiet, as it usually is in such a serious situation.

With this other family, there was a burly looking middle-aged man. He was kind of sitting in a corner, not really talking to anyone. I could tell that he was with the other group though. Of course, my 3 year old decides to make his way around the room and introduce himself to everyone. That really means that he decided to ask everyone for food.

After a few times of me telling him to stop, a lady that was sitting with the other family said, “He’s alright. Let him sit with us.” So, I agreed. After a few minutes, I couldn’t see him. All of a sudden, I heard this enormous burst of laughter coming from the other side of the room. I knew it was my child causing this stir.

So, my aunt went over to see what was going on. Then, she started cracking up as well. Apparently, my son has climbed up onto this burly man’s lap. Here’s how the conversation went:
As my child climbed onto his lap, the man said, “Wow! Kids never like me. You sure are a cute little boy.”
Then, my son leaned over towards his ear, looked at him with this cute, innocent little face and said, “My mommy has a knife and she’s gonna cut your head off!”

About then, the burly man held him out as if he had some kind of horrible disease. Apparently, the man’s family overheard the conversation. That’s why they started laughing. Some of the women were laughing so hard that they had to run to the bathroom. They said that it made their day!

I've since figured out that my son is simply repeating things he hears from other children.

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Blogger mimi said...

Children see things on TV and hear
comments that other kids make. Your
son has heard this somewhere and
was just repeating what he heard.
He probably has not said it again.
When they keep repeating things over and over is when we should take notice and worry.

July 12, 2007 at 4:25 PM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

I'm sure he heard it on tv or from one of his brothers. Who knows? So far, he hasn't said it again. I'm hoping that he doesn't. I guess he figured out that it wasn't the best thing to say!

July 13, 2007 at 10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is great! I am sure that he had just hear this and was trying it out on his own to see what happens.

July 14, 2007 at 8:35 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

You're probably right. He's one of those kids that repeats EVERYTHING he hears! Thanks for writing!

July 14, 2007 at 11:22 AM  

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