Thursday, July 12, 2007

"The Culprit Revealed"

Well, we figured it out. We found out what the smell was. It was two cups that were wedged together, in the boys’ room. The bottom cup had chocolate milk in it. There is no telling how long they had been in there. I’m just thankful that it WAS food and not #2!

The boys say that my 4 year old did it, but I know better this time. Usually, it is the 4 year old. However, the fact that it was two cups and the fact that my 4 year old doesn’t drink chocolate milk, points to my step-sons. I don’t make chocolate milk for my kids. I just never have.

We do have a bottle of squeeze chocolate that goes on ice cream, in the fridge. I have a sneaking suspicion that they made this chocolate milk themselves. I imagine that they put WAY too much chocolate in it; hence, it was not finished. So, there it sat in the corner of the bedroom, curdling away.

One of the things I have struggled with over the years is disciplining my step-children. When I suspect them of doing something, I rarely ever say anything, unless it’s something dangerous or destructive. I’ve had those moments of “You don’t ever get on to YOUR boys”. This is totally not true. My boys stay in trouble! The thing is, they’re rarely ever around each other at the same time, so the older boys don’t always witness the punishments.

Anyone that knows me knows that my 7 year old and 4 year old each stay in trouble for their own reasons. I am guilty of babying the 4 year old though. I just can’t accept the fact that he’s growing up. He’s my baby and always will be. I won’t have any more children. So, yes, I’m guilty!

Until it becomes a crime to spoil your baby, I’ll keep doing it. I guess I’ll have to deal with the consequences when he starts school.

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Blogger mimi said...

Children tend to think we all play
favorites. Your step children are
not there all the time so they do
not always see the disciplining of
the other boys. Boys are so different from girls. They love to do gross things and laugh about
it. Don't be too hard on them. Just make them clean it up.It will
gross them out too!

July 12, 2007 at 4:18 PM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

You're right. They do like gross things. I'm not going to worry too much about the boys thinking that I'm playing favorites. I really am doing the best I can to make things fair. I do expect more from the older 3 boys.

July 13, 2007 at 10:17 AM  

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