Thursday, July 19, 2007

"The Local Hangout"

Ok, I’m tired of being the local hangout. Here’s why…..

In our yard, we have a huge swingset and a huge trampoline. For the last 2 years, we have let pretty much any kid that wanted to jump on the trampoline jump. I had to meet their parents prior to them being in my yard though. We have so many kids walking around our neighborhood all hours of the day and night (ranging from 3-13 years old). Some parents just don’t care where their kids are; as long as they’re out of their hair.

Well, my theory was that I’d rather these kids have somewhere safe to play (my house) than to roam the streets. So, they always came to Mrs. Melissa’s house. My boys loved it! They always had someone to play with.

All the neighborhood kids knew the rules and what they could not do. Well, one day I pulled up in my driveway to find a 10 year old boy on top of my roof. He was apparently getting his football off the roof.

First of all, their not supposed to be in my yard if I’m not home. Second of all, their really not supposed to be on the roof! I went crazy! I banned that child from my yard for good. The next week, I pulled up to find my storage building had been tipped over and the trampoline had been moved.

I found out that it was the same child, and a friend of his, that had done this. They decided that the storage building would make a good launching pad for their little bodies. They were jumping off the storage building onto the trampoline. So, I finally went and talked to that child’s parent.

Now, I’m not letting any child in my yard without my permission and my kids being out there. I don’t think that’s unreasonable, is it?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are wise to not let
these kids in your yard if you are
not going to be there. If they
got hurt you would be responsible.
You have to have rules and they
know when they can get by with
things. It is good that they want
to play at your house but monitor
what they are doing at all times.

July 20, 2007 at 3:55 PM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

I'm really working on it. I am finding it hard to keep them out of the yard when I'm not there. Sometimes when I get home, the yard is a wreck. I can tell they've been there, but I don't know who. How can I get on to them?

July 20, 2007 at 4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missy, you are more than wise not to let these kids play in your yard. Those parents are going to be the first to sue your butt off! But here's how you catch them....
Two ways.. one is to have your parked away from your house one morning. You and your husband be there.. just watching for the kid! hehe
Second.. may like this one better. You can get a security camera for around 200 bucks at Sams to put up (in a protected, secure area) to monitor the back yard. I would also send a nice letter to ALL parents in the neighborhood asking them, because of potential injury issues, not to let the children play in your back yard unless they confirm it verbally with you. Explain the little issues you've been having. Other parents will jump in on this and help! Good luck!

July 21, 2007 at 6:26 PM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll definitely have to look into that. I've told some of the parents about what THEIR kids are doing, but they still don't watch them. They let them run the neighborhood and pretty much do whatever they want. I'm not sure if this is something that the police would have to handle or what. After I tell them not to come back, who would I talk to?

July 22, 2007 at 4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought having the kids in my yard was a good idea and it probably is, but when the neighbor kids get older they can be very destructive! Makes you understand why their parents want them at your place.

Guess it's a trade-off -- you always know where your kids are but their friends tear up your stuff.

July 23, 2007 at 8:39 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

That's exactly right! We've already had to replace the net on our trampoline b/c they tore it up. Now there are holes in the new net. It's not even safe anymore. They'll have to wait until I can save the money to get another net now. But yes, I can totally understand why they send them to my yard. They're annoying! LOL! I hate to say that about any kid, but they are; especially little boys! I know b/c I have 4 of them. They can be destructive. I just don't like when my kids aren't in my yard. I need to keep an eye on them. Know what I mean?

July 23, 2007 at 8:54 AM  

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