Monday, October 29, 2007

"Moving Day"

I have to start by saying that these last few weeks have been some of the most exhausting of my life; next only to childbirth.

Our family moved this month.

Anyone who has ever moved knows why I’m exhausted.

It’s not just the moving as much as it is the 4 children hanging off of my legs while I was trying to lift a 50 pound dresser. That was just my end.

While I was going from one end of the old house to the other, going through old clothes and stuff, my kids were supposedly playing ball in the yard.

All of their toys had already been moved so there wasn’t much for them to do.

Well, I started in my boy’s bedroom, going through their old clothes and pulling the ones that no longer fit. I put them in a trash bag and went to the next room.

Next room..........Toy room.

My boys had a “toy room” where the video games and books and big TV were.

I methodically went through all of that stuff, throwing away anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary for their survival.

I did let him keep the Playstation 2. I doesn’t seem necessary for his survival, but it is.

It’s not b/c he will just die if he doesn’t have his Playstation 2.

It’s more that if he doesn’t have his Playstation 2 to keep him out of my hair, I may strangle him (that’s a joke for those of you that take things WAY too seriously).

So you see, it is necessary for his survival!

Moving on...............

When I finished their toy room, I moved on to the master boudoir (LOL! I’m laughing hysterically right now). That place was so far from a boudoir.
It was more like a really bad motel. You know the kind; the ones you see in horror movies.

So, as I finished up the master bedroom I heard some noises on the other side of the house. It sounded as if the boys were playing ball in the house or something. I thought I’d better check it out.

When I walked into the “toy room” I almost lost it. They had unpacked everything I just packed up. They were playing with all the toys.

I made them repack everything themselves. It took them about 4 times what it would have taken me to do it. It was the principal of it. So, we waited until they were done and got out of there as quickly as possible.

Now I’m sitting here, in my beautiful house, enjoying the peace and quiet.

It’s been a long day....................

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our family just moved 4 months ago. I totally feel your pain. I did have someone help watch the kids while we moved. I have an infant so it would have been impossible. It's finally over. Now all the unpacking begins.

October 29, 2007 at 9:12 PM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

Well, I did have help. The first weekend my parents took the boys camping while we moved the big furniture. We tried to get as much as possible done w/out the kids, but there were a few things left. I'm just glad it's over. I'm not in a hurry to unpack. I don't want to start shoving things in just to get it out of a box. I'm trying to do a little at a time. It's less stressful that way.

October 29, 2007 at 9:15 PM  
Blogger Mimi Rankin Webb said...

dont feel too bad-it took us about a month to move into our new house-with me running boxes after the triplets went to sleep, unpacking them so we could reuse the boxes, then husband moving bigger stuff in his truck when he got off work/rehearsals- now ask me if i'm unpacked!!! teehee tee hee- the garage is FULL of stuff we apparently dont need cause we have lived this long without it! i am STILL throwing stuff away! lol

October 30, 2007 at 12:37 PM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

We threw so much stuff away. It was unbelievable! We also unpacked boxes so that we could reuse them. You do what you have to do. It took us about 3 weeks all together to move. We weren't doing things every day though. Since I'm working and going to school and karate practices, there were days we didn't do anything. I rarely get a free minute to unpack.
I bet it was stressful moving with the triplets! How do they like the new house?

October 30, 2007 at 1:49 PM  
Blogger Mimi Rankin Webb said...

the kids adore their new house! i only had 1 walker when we moved in,within 4 hours of being here officially, another just took off walking & never looked back-so its a good move!!
hope yours is wonderful as well!
it seems i will NEVER be unpacked- am seriously thinking of taking everything else to the swapmeet if we can get it up & going!!! lol

November 1, 2007 at 6:13 PM  

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