Friday, September 21, 2007

"What kind of message is 'Jena 6' sending our children?"

By now I’m sure everyone has heard about the Jena 6 situation. This is the case where 6 African-American boys are being prosecuted for the beating of a white kid after some racially motivated incidents. If you don’t know much about the case, click here:
About Jena Six

Or click here for extended news coverage about the rally:
Jena Six Rally

I hate to give my personal opinion on such a delicate subject, but what kind of message is this sending to our children?........
It’s ok to not let black kids sit under the same tree as white kids and for white kids to threaten black kids, but it’s not ok for black kids to assault white kids in retaliation?

Maybe the black kids shouldn’t have assaulted that kid, but I’m not the one that was being threatened on a daily basis. Who knows what really took place. I'm not justifying what they did. I'm just feel like the racial tension is due to the fact that people don't realize what all happened to these kids. After all, they are just kids.

What were the police and judges thinking?

Is the law enforcement so corrupt in Jena that they thought they could get by with this?

In my opinion, both sides should have been prosecuted for something. The white kids should have been prosecuted long before it got this far. That’s just my opinion. I’m sure some of you will disagree.

What’s your opinion? Do you think this is sending our children the wrong message? Is this going to make racism worse?

Read comments and leave yours HERE.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that this situation has gotten WAY out of hand. The white children should have been punished for hanging the noose. That's for sure!

September 21, 2007 at 9:24 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

There are so many different things that happened that it's hard to say who should have been punished first. But, regardless, it's sad that this kind of racism is going on this day and age.

September 21, 2007 at 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't see any evidence that the black kids were threatened on a daily basis. I also don't see how one could justify the beating of one white student by 6 black youth.

If you were to walk into a crowded room full of 100 fat people and you called them names. That does not give the 100 fat people the right to beat you unconcious. But in this case, your logic tells me you think they should have the right.

Focus on being a mother more, you obviously don't know much about the law and justice.

September 21, 2007 at 9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you. If the white kids had been disciplined in the beginning, this wouldn't have escalated. The elected officials in this town could have ended this much sooner. Their arrogance got the best of them. And of course any elected official directly involved in this case should step down. If not, how could you ever trust their judgement in future cases.

September 21, 2007 at 9:56 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

Did you read the details of the case and all of the things that were done to those kids? It may have come across that I think it was justified, but I don't. I think that something should have been done before it escalated to that point. Maybe I'm just getting bits and pieces but it seems that racism is an issue. Maybe I'm wrong.
Trust me, my focus is on being a mother. I worry about what kind of message this sends to them.

September 21, 2007 at 9:58 AM  
Blogger suthrnbelle63 said...

Did anyone not read the "history?" Those few white boys that hung the nooses in the trees were reprimanded at school. They were suspended out of school for three days, had two weeks in school suspension, and Saturday detentions. I believe they were disciplined. Now, there are those wishing for them to have federal hate crime charges brought against them. There has to be an end. Yes, Mychal Bell should be sentenced to time in prison. Yes, he should have been tried as an adult. He has a lengthy rap sheet already. Six against one is never a "fair" fight. The color of these kids should never be an issue. If you act like trash, no matter if you are pink, yellow, or polka-dotted, or if you commit the crime, you do the time. End of story, end of discussion.

September 21, 2007 at 10:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I encourage you to visit and read the chronological order of events they have posted on their website. You will find that the priciple of the school stated in front of the entire student body that all students were free to sit anywhere they wanted the day before the noose incident. He also recommended expulsion of the students responsible for the nooses but the school board voted against him and instead just suspended those students. Also, the "Jena Six" were 7 students who participated in beating up 1. 7 on 1! Some blocking teachers from getting to the kid they were beating up. The Bell student facing the most serious charges had AT LEAST 4 prior arrests for violence and was on probation at the time of the beating that is the root of these issues. 2 of the others had been arrested for robbing someone else just 2 days before at a convienence store. I personally think it is important to note that the two major incidents (noose hanging and the fight) happened 4 months apart, in this case spanning from the beginning of school to a couple weeks before Christmas break.

I'm not by any means defending the students responsible for the noose hanging. In fact, I disagree with the US Attoney's decision that it doesn't fall under the hate crime statutes, but that was his decision and I'm sure he has his reasons. However, a 7 on 1 fight is never fair, and seeing as how one has a violent past, he deserves a more severe punishment.

All in all, the noose incident was racially motivated and those students were suspended.

The fight may have been racially motivated as well, although the police say no evidence suggests the fight was related to the noose hanging, but those students responsible deserve punishment too, and the punishment should take their previous arrests into the equation too, just as it does for everyone else with prior records.

September 21, 2007 at 10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Hispanic male. I used to run a delivery rte. in the Jena- Campti area. I was often told by white residents, "don't get caught in these woods after dark boy". Anywhere I delivered, I always got a second look. They made me feel unwelcomed. So I'm not at all surprised about the racism in this towwn.

September 21, 2007 at 10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of this could of been avoided if the students who hung the nooses were punished in the beginning. This was an high school fight that got out of hand. I am a white woman, and yes the punishment for the 6 black boys are entirely to harsh. This is the 20th century and i cant believe this is still existing today. You have drug dealer, rapiest and other kind of people that are commiting crimes worse than what the boys from Jena did, that gets off scott free!! The D.A. in that town needs to be looked at, because I can see it all in his face that he's prejudice. I'm praying for all of the families that were involved in this incident. People you need to ask GOD to deliver you because these are the last days!! I'm not saying what they did was right, I just think that all parties should be charged.

September 21, 2007 at 10:11 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

It's really scary to me that people of color cannot be in a town at dark. Wow! Are things really that bad there? I guess I live in a sheltered world. I have not witnessed racism to this degree.

September 21, 2007 at 10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

southernbell, it's so easy to say race is not a problem when you are white. I'm not defending the actions of these 6 black kids, but c'mon these white kids should have been delt with properly. They got suspended for three days. They got a slap on the wrist! Then a 22 yr white male beats up a 17 yr black male and nothing is done. There were several cases leading up to this fight were the white kids got nothing more then a slap on the wrist. Equal justice is what this is all about.

September 21, 2007 at 10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa said: I guess I live in a sheltered world. I have not witnessed racism to this degree.

Most of us "white folks" don't realize how bad racism is, Melissa. And since Im white, I'm referring to white to black racism.

I've gotten a taste of it over the past 4 years reaching out into the community through our church. I've also gotten involved with a group of white, middle class adults who have been the Cedar Grove community for a decade or so now. They've bought a couple of houses and tutor kids Monday through Friday (along with many other activities, even on weekends/weeknights,etc), and also help a local church feed on Wednesdays.

Through both of these things in my life, I've come to see just how racist I was and how racist most of my white counterparts are. Sadly, most of us don't realize it. It takes an honest look to see.

One thing we can do is develop a relationship with someone of another race to the point where we can get honest with them and them with us. Both can then see how racist they are and be able to break those barriers gradually.

That's kind of off the topic, but racism in alive and well everywhere and on all sides, too! Jena just proves it. Wrong on both sides and nobody willing to "bury the hatchet" (so to speak) and in a nice, conciliatory manner. Everybody just wants to point fingers. :^(

September 21, 2007 at 10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The white children were punisheed for their crime. Maybe not severly enough but they were punished. As far as the punishment for the black kids most of them already have rap sheets shouldn't they be charged more severly. What should the town of Jena do just let these kids go until next time they actually kill someone?
In response to 1015 post. Is it any differant than being in certain parts of town after dark here in Shreveport? No person should be afraid to be anywhere anytime of the day. I personally am tired of everyone crying racism when it is a black person. What about the whites who are being terrorized everyday? I was stopped by a police officer on Jewella one night and told to get off that street he said don't stop for anything even stoplights. I was new to the area and did not know it wasn't safe. Now I try not to go anywhere after dark. Which is worse racism or terrorism?

September 21, 2007 at 10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can obviously tell that all of you are older. I am a white female. I remember when I was in high school. (5 years ago) The black girls would threaten to jump me to steal my shoes. The black guys would corner me and grope me. I eventually went and told the principal, all the otheres that this had happend to were too scared to say anything because of what might happen to them for being "snitches." Times have changed, true. But from what ive come to learn is that some black people today still think that white people owe them something. And as far as these 6 kids, im sure their parents taught them to be that way.
I also read in the Gena newspaper, that the nooses were hung because the school was to play the cowboys days later in a football game. the school was full of school spirit. Notice that everywhere it says the nooses were the school colors. Come on now people. Had this been 6 white kids on a black boy do you really think it would have gone this far?? Smaller towns are completely diffrent. I personally am from Shreveport, but I can imagine how much worse the smaller areas are. Even more so further down south. Everything is always white or black. Point is, however motivated, these boys beat the mess out of this kid. They were trying to kill him. The one, i believe his name is M.B. He has a prior arrest for beating up a white boy. I think that the school did what was needed to be done the boys were punished. I just think that people should step back and realize that racisim is going to be around far after we are gone. I only hope that when I have children they dont have to go through the hell I did when I was in school.

September 21, 2007 at 10:33 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

Please read this
If posts are too ugly I do have to delete them. This is spawned from a mom's site. Try to keep it clean if possible. So far I haven't had to delete anyone. I do occasionally have to take out inappropriate words.

September 21, 2007 at 10:33 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

It's good that you are doing the work that you do.

I guess that I don't see the racism b/c I am white. I hear people say things, and frequently point out that they're wrong, but I don't see actual hate crimes. I guess I'm lucky to live in the sheltered world that I live in.

September 21, 2007 at 10:36 AM  
Blogger Mimi Rankin Webb said...

here are some sources with info that may surprise you-they are from both sides of the issues-
the comments from the forums are very enlightening as well-try to read the entire pieces if you REALLY want an overview






7. &

i used many of them to write both blogs that i posted for tuesday & wednesday

September 21, 2007 at 11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone should be held accountable for their actions and inactions,to include the school administrators, law enforcement, legal system, parents and students. This situation goes much deeper than the "nooses" hanging from the tree, I view the nooses as symbols of hatred and racism; placing them there was a hate crime and an act of terrorism--a personal attack on Black citizens of not only Jena, LA, but all accross this country. People can only be pushed so far before they retaliate. The Jena Six did what they were pushed to do, right or wrong, they took matters into their own hands, since so-called responsible adults were content to allow and seemingly condone the terrible act perpetrated by the white students. My heart goes out to all the children concerned, both white and black, innocent and not so innocent. This is a wake-up call for all of us--racism is still alive and ugly--what will you do about it?

September 21, 2007 at 11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i actually thought that the nooses would have been hung in reference to a football game-being that whenever highschool teams went up against loyola (back when i was in highschool) kids used to hang snoopy from a noose all the time for pep rallies- & heck i KNOW there have been worse things such as burning effigy's of opposing schools mascots- but you dont see where anyone has been accused of hate crimes for that do ya?

seriously, i researched the heck out of the subject, took an entire day & i STILL waited til the next day to do my rewrites before i posted just so i could be sure that i was happy & as objective as i could be about the situation- finding actual facts on the matter where next to impossible-save for the jena times publishing that chronology the other night-which made me very happy to actually find something other than political propaganda which had long ago bumped the real accounts of the issues off of the internet searches-
i havent gotten any hate mail from my postings yet- even though i am watching for it- so i guess i was nicer than i felt while writing it-
as to the rest of us-we all are entitled to our opinion & our freedom of speech/press/expression-blogging is a new & innovative way of expressing them, too!
you guys have to forgive some of us if our info is different - try an internet search, see what you get- then you will understand why the info isnt consistent-
this entire issue is something that should never have been blown out of such proportion- we all know its not illegal to show school spirit- as for the "bullying" of the little black kids- i have found accounts where the little white kids were also being bullied- if you go check out the other occurences-such as the ARSON that everyone is ignoring, a whole DIFFERENT picture will emerge- there are accounts of this group of kids, now known as the jena 6 (which should have been 7) were actually a sort of group (wont go so far as to say gang cause i just dont know) but they went around acting like a bunch of thugs- you can call it picking on others- whatever you like- one account has them having pushed & bullied the white kids from their usual clique areas to that tree area & that they were trying to push em out of even that area- now if the demographic of the school is similar to the demographic of the city, how is it that 12% of the student population can manage to bully about 80%? if they were successful & assuming for sake of arguement that the rumor was true, then that group has a PROBLEM- & has shown severe aggressive tendancies- at least 3 of the boys had prior BATTERY charges from one account that i found- some of which had nothing to do with the time-line acknowledged widely as the 'incident' which also paints a different picture-
this issue is difficult really when so little fact can be found and so much of the propaganda is everywhere- what we should be worried about is the affect its going to have on society as a whole in our nation- jesse jackson runs around the country planning protests all the time like this (some not as successful or as big) but fact is he has a habit of causing the closure of schools & roads & governing bodies as an effect of them- if this type of special interest group(for lack of better term) can achieve and cause such disruption, what is giong to happen on a larger scale? thats the thing to consider (try a search on the decatur 7, or the hooter park hanging & other incidences he has championed)check it out-you might be surprised

September 21, 2007 at 11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said..

the louisiana justice system is at fault for everything because it's a big laugh some white kids do very stupid things that they know they can get away with but black kids are afraid to do them knowing what they may face those kids of all colors are in trouble down there. GOV. BLANCO PLEASE HELP!

September 21, 2007 at 11:47 AM  
Blogger busterbrown said...

Being a young black male, my opinion may supprise some of you. I feel that the school took the correct action in the beginning.
The nooses should not have been placed in the tree. The tree should never have been allowed as gathering place for any group to seperate themselves from any other group. Then, the nooses should have been egnored or past off as ignorance by all. Then this would never have gotten to the point that is now.
I find it offensive that in most of the comments about this event, comments from whites and blacks, refer to the students as "the white kids" and "the black boys", but I'm not going to do something in response as irrational as what happened in the "Jena 6" case.
Remember, there is no law pertaining to "nooses being hung in a tree". So, the school did what they thought was the correct action to take. Then the beatings took place. Not just the 6 on 1, but before that, 3 on 1 (3 whites on 1 black). And the 3 are awaiting punishment as well.
All of the students envolved should be punished in a manner that fits their particular action, be it a crime or not.

September 21, 2007 at 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was born in Shreveport and I know racism first hand.... things haven't changed that much. I no longer live there, and it sadden me to hear that people only see the color of your skin... I am black and a female and I remember an incident that happened to me at Captain Shreve High School, a young white girl assualted me while I was in line waiting on the bus with a very sharp object, I did the right thing and reported the incident, well to my dismay nothing ever happened to the girl, she walked around with her friends laughing , everytime she say me....Well, one day it got to much for me and I beat the holy crap out of her, and for a week I followed her and waited for her to exit her class, just to kick her butt some more..... but I guess you would say that she didn't deserve this !!!! Well, sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands when others want leave you along and there is nobody that will do anything to help protect you.....It is a new day and a new time and crap that happened to me shouldn't be going on. The message Jena 6 is sending is simple...keep your nooses in the closet, your racial slurs to yourself, and stop bullying folks and just maybe, crap like this wouldn't continue to happen...I know what those kids felt like.....and by the way he wasn't beat to badly if he attended a school dance later that night, give me a break.....attempted is the parnets of these kids that keep crap like this going.... and what children are you talking about when you say sending our children....the black kids or the white kids ????/

September 21, 2007 at 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If some says your ugly, it doesn't give you the right to beat them up.

Saying "ugly" is not a crime.. beating someone up "is"...

Two wrongs don't make a right.. and what people fail to see here is that this victim was not one of those who hung the nooses, and even if he were... does it give 7 people the right to beat someone up?

I believe it is the black community to blame for all this because they are backing violence instead of more socially acceptable ways of handling a situation like this.

IN addition, the noose incident happened months before this white kid got beat up. So what they do.. get real mad when the nooses were hung, forget about it for 2 or 3 months.. and then got mad again and used that as a excuse to beat this kid up?

Quick, someone throw me a tissue, I'm bout to boo hoo for the Jena Six... oh, and for the mother of Mr. Bell who just got a new Jag.


September 21, 2007 at 1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the black female who was assualted at Capt Shreve...

you became what that white girl became... a bully and hateful.

And you stated that we should keep our racial slurs to ourselves.. so why is it I hear racial slurs all the time from young black youth? even in rap music that which youngsters listen to all the time and look up to the rappers?

You want to say we can't say it, oh, but you can? And your music is all about violence and degrading women...

You want respect from us when you can't even respect yourselves?

You my dear are a product of your own demise.

September 21, 2007 at 1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone here thinks about color,why? We all bleed the same and we are all god's children. Idot's!! Whether they beat the young guy up or just cursed him, the punishment is too much. When we go before god all our faces will look the same. In jena, mexico or new york. They law gives a man who rapes little girls 5 years of counciling, but wants to lock up 6 teen for beating up another child. Come on!! Yes they should be punished, and should get something taken from them, but not their life!! Send them to class for being angry. Not to jail to be killed or raped or beated each day. What will that do, but make some other person sleep better knowing it's another black person off the street. When you give someone power the loose control and forget who they answer to. Do you know who your boss is? Who has the final say in this matter? NO judge nor jury can bet or convict him. So please think before you sit down and write your thoughts and just wounder what if it were you. YOur child, or sister or brother. It hurts blacks to see a noose hanging because of what they went through years ago, and some people still wish that were life. WAKE UP! CAUSE TI AIN'T!What gave them the right to hang it Anonymous? What gives anyone the right to call anyone fat? Or white boy, or Nigga? You don't know? Nothing. Someone lacking self knowledge and wisdom. Lack of proper parenting. This stated in the home for all the kids, the jena and the child that was beaten. No training of how to respond to other action- and how to treat others. It these kids respected their parents, themselves and their town none of this would be happening. I fault the parents for lack or teaching and molding.Because I am a pround ? female that loves all no matter the color or beliefs, because I have a family of values,and morals. In conclusion what happen was harsh adn terrible for both parties, and if they beat that child to sleep and continued to beat him, they need punished, not jailed. And no the other party did not break a law, but the started a war, a war that Marti Luther King JR, Coretta Scott King, Harret Tuckman, and all the leaders of the world faught to end and that is crime enough. Look At Bush- He has million of troops all races fighting a loosing battle and killing so many people- Why can't anyone speak up about that.!!All the kids loosing their families, mom and dads, And destroying a country that is barely making it.. SO DISCUSS IMPORTANT TOPIC AND THINK IF IT WERE YOU!! SIGN BEAUTY QUEEN

September 21, 2007 at 1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aonymous you are correct about the music, but music is a voice, and yes people do curse and down grade others. but it because it is what the world offers, choices. If you choose to say the word that shows lack of respect for blacks then that is you, you know what they word stands for for whites so don't even try to be smart cause you are far from it.

September 21, 2007 at 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beauty Queen-Maybe you should worry more about checking the spelling on your post before sending and calling others idiots or you look like one yourself.
As far as what gives people the right to say things about others it is called Freedom of Speech which is what allowed you to say what you want.

September 21, 2007 at 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogs like this brings out racists, they hide behind blogs and make their little comments abour rap music, get a clue folks !!!!!! this isn't about rap music....nobody said that there shouldn't be any consequences for the Jena 6. It is about how the law operates. I think the word is called Justice !!!!!! and this is what this is all about !!!!....Justice !!!!

September 21, 2007 at 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous you are correct, I need to re-check my spelling. True but Idiot I am far from. Freedom of speech is ment to be of importance.We are talking about justice for all. Do you undertand that or are you ears stopped up? Do you know about that? Or you just to simple to realize what is going on! Everything i said was just that. Everyone is not an Idiot only the true Idiots respond in a negative way.

September 21, 2007 at 2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa I think someone needs to understand that it is not about music it is about jena being treated equal and fair. When judgement comes do anyone want god to say- you can' enter heaven because your black, No he will love all and accept all. NOt treat anyone different because of mistakes they made in life. Jena made bad choices, and so did the guy they hurt, so they need to be treated fairly. NOt different. And anyone who thinks that taking their lives from them is justice needs to think about past mistake they have made and just consider what they would have done different.

September 21, 2007 at 2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these kids arent losing their lives, they are charged with a form of battery- and being tried as juveniles-

why is it racist to speak your mind whether it be in blog form or in forum comments or even on the street?

it is not right for anybody to infringe on another's personal space (ie grope or worse) and violating another's body whether it be through rape or beating is not legal-

there are laws in place for these offenses that are written without regard to anyone's genetic make-up-

as for being around when people were picking cotton as slaves- none of us were around for that- none of us were around when the irish population made up a large portion of the indentured servants up north- but the irish arent asking for compensation-

this is NOT the middle east-we as a society do not function under the eye for an eye legal system- just think about if we did- then where would those kids be?

September 21, 2007 at 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bell is being treated as an adult and held in an adult jail.... that is crime within a isn't Justice.....who made the decision to place in a adult jail....Let me guess no one has a problem with that......Well, I do and it is wrong....and the person that put him there should be placed in jail right along side of him.........

September 21, 2007 at 3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

once the charges were changed to battery he fell under the juvenile justice system-

which is where his case is NOW that the charges are NO longer attempted murder

September 21, 2007 at 4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bell is only 17 years old and yet has been arrested on 5 seperate occassions.

Just imagine how many times he'll be arrested by the time he's 30...

What an angel he is huh?

September 21, 2007 at 4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all in all. the kids in jena were already racially segregated so it's not that hard to pick a fight with someone you don't see equal. or somebody that's not your friend or you don't know personally. the school board and school tried to keep it on the hush until it blew up in their faces now they really have to deal with it. but kids are how they are from what they see others that they look up to do. in that part of town the parents are probably racist too. just stop the racism now. everybody. do we need anymore incidents like this. i believe anything that is racailly motivated should be punished but through punishment they don't change. they might just be scared they need to actually change they way they thunk about it.

September 21, 2007 at 4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bell was 16 at the time.....of this incident....and be he was arrested a few times, so does that mean he treated poorly, and oh! by the way he didn't start this racist crap !!!!! The three amigos did.....better known as the Jena Noose Trio !!!!!.....and there parnets cried and begged for them not to kicked out of school, and guess what they didn' Bell mom wants her son out of jail, and to have a fair trial..... Where is the Justice.....the kid that got beat up went to the school dance...didn't he ? Attemped murder my foot.....sounds like a bad prank gone wild !!!!!

September 21, 2007 at 4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to anonymous who posted september 21 9:55 AM i don't like what you said even though that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. if you were constantly calling them names and the fat people were tired of it then would't you say you deserve to be beaten. maybe with that you would think before you do.

September 21, 2007 at 4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, so you are saying that I DESERVED to get sexually harrassed because I didnt defend myself? One occurance I had four boys pinning me in the corner while another one stood watch. But yet I was supposed to "defend myself." Let's see how you react when multiple men have you cornered. Times like this shows how ignorant some people truely are.
People are taking sides before they even know what happened with these kids. I think I would get more accomplished if I were talking about religion than this. It's always going to be about black or white. Unitl people can get over who made who pick cotton. Also, if you knew anything about would know that the people in africa sold other africans to the americans as slaves. Your own people are who made you slaves. There are still people in africa who inslave other africans. So, honestly get over it. People wonder why there is racisim? Go read up and get some facts on what really happend then come back and chat about who's in the wrong or right.

September 21, 2007 at 8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Claudia, do you teach your children to commit acts of violence against others if they say things that they think aren't nice?

Whatever you think this and that person deserves, if you commit a crime and hurt them... who's fault is that? YOURS...

As for the "3 Amigos" who hung the noose.. ok, so what, they hung a couple nooses.. they got punished.. they didn't beat someone unconscious nor did they have rape sheets like this Bell kid did.

You people's sympathy is very misplaced and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Especially the chick from Capt Shreve who got some serious anger management issues and some racist undertones of her own..

September 21, 2007 at 8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The three amigos didn't get punished, they should of been kicked out of school permantely, and the kid that got knocked out , he went to the dance.....don't sound like attempted murder, he should of been in the hostipal for a couple of weeks.....get over it Shreveport....racism is strong and alive there.... and to the chick from Captian Shreve... you didn't assualt anyone you were assualted and with a weapon..... some are angry because you stood up for yourself , they will get over it as you had to......

September 22, 2007 at 8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what is wrong with this world, everyone thinks it is o.k. to get back at another if they say or do something to offend them. Since when did it become alright to beat someone up for saying or doing anything. At least they did not break out a gun and shoot him that seems like the common solution to most people these days.
Whatever happened to the old saying "stick and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" we are all very weak if we let words and objects hurt us this badly.

September 22, 2007 at 9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in response to the September 22, 2007 8:59 AM post-
yes the kids who hung the pep rally nooses were punished-there isnt any crime in showing school spirit-taking it out of context would allude to different issues-if you actually go with the official rainbow coalition version of the story then what would you want these kids charged with? just curious-
as for the "dance" that night- yes the boy wanted to attend his ring ceremony- its something every highschool kid looks forward to-regardless of if they are sick or not- & this kid went to get his ring(its the precurser to graduation & most people are proud to reach such milestones)they child also left early due to pain-it would appear he went, got his ring, & left- it was NOT a highschool dance/prom situation- you probably would have done the same thing if it were you-
of course discrimination is rampant-its all a part of the way society works-ANY society- it comes in all shapes,sizes and colors & many other silly divisions- if large groups of people wouldnt ban together & make mountains out of molehills maybe there wouldnt be so very much of it running rampant-
but alas, people want to believe what they are told as truth & believe what they read regardless of the source- they do so because its easy- its harder & takes more time to actually do the research & become informed before making such decisions- then again you might classify an informed decision based upon experience and resarch as discrimination...

September 22, 2007 at 12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa aka "Mom on the Move"
I was very sorry to see this happening in my Mom's
hometown of Jena where she was born and raised.
Never in a million years would I have thought a scenario
as we have seen would happen there.
I believe this whole thing was instigated by the black kids,
they had an agenda to stir up a yellow jacket nest.
They just couldn't leave well enough alone.
Why did they have to ask permission to sit under the school
yard tree..aka "the white tree",what a stupid question to ask
in the first place.
I thought the Civil Rights Act of the 60s gave them freedom to
do what they want?. The school officials told the kids..
"You can sit anywhere you want".
The blacks will never be satisfied until they have in possession
all that is attributed to white folks. Do they think all whites want
to mix with them?. There are just some unspoken codes present
in this little La town,things you just don't cross if you wish to remain
at peace.
The whites, instead of protesting,just boarded up their businesses
and left town for the day. Protesting against all those blacks would
have just added the fuel they needed..."We told you so,they are all
Don't you think all the white folks of Jena just want to be left alone?!.
My Mom's little town will never be the same again.

September 22, 2007 at 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

boarding up & shutting down was a smart move- with a town of barely 3000 people & an invasion of aprox 60000 with no hope of enough law enforcement locally to keep the peace & no guarentee on what would happen with that many people amassing in such a small area what else could they do?
nobody could guarentee the safety of ANYONE or ANYTHING- it is through pure LUCK that there werent any huge issues/problems that came out of the protest-
there actions were just common sense and self preservation

September 23, 2007 at 8:50 PM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

I was out over the weekend.
It really saddens me to see all the hatred that is going on in the world. I really wanted this blog to be about how this is affecting our children.
Noone is really addressing that; with the exception of a few.

September 24, 2007 at 9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right - not many people are addressing the original topic of your blog.

There are very mixed messages being sent to kids. The angle you gave was more-or-less in support of the "unequal justice".

However, I look it at on a broader scale. I have 3 kids, 2 of whom are grown. Any of the three can recite word-for-word what I told them repeatedly growing up: "For every action in life there is a consequence. Some consequences are positive and some are negative, depending on the actions you choose to take." I firmly believe that and my kids do too.

So, with that in mind, the actions taken by all individuals involved had consequences. Their actions were not all the same and the consequences were not all the same. There were different degrees of wrongdoing and different degrees of punishment. And they seem to be equitable to each other.

Hanging a noose is wrong and should have negative consequences. It was a sign of hatred toward other individuals and could have been emotionally painful to some. Very similar to calling someone a name or writing disgraceful graffiti on a bathroom wall or spreading malicious gossip. They were punished through suspension by the school.

The boys who chose to react with violence chose a more harmful action and therefore the consequences were more harsh. If they had continued on longer and the victim had died, they would have been charged with murder. But since they were stopped prematurely and the boy did not die, then charges should have been filed as attempted murder or assault/battery. The consequences were equitable to the actions.

So, our kids may be learning alot now about hatred and prejudices that they did not realize before. But they also need to learn that your actions have consequences.

For those who marched in Jena with signs saying "Free the Jena 6" - what message does that send to those 6 and to any others who chose to respond in this manner in the future. That it's OK to do? That as long as you are a certain race 40000+ people will come to your defense and smooth it over? That you did nothing wrong?

While we may be concerned with what OUR kids are learning, we also need to keep site of what those kids and others like them are learning.

September 24, 2007 at 10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, I believe this should have been handled by the Jena authorities and parents. The national exposure probably won't improve relations in that small town but my guess is that all those children went to elementary school together and maybe church. I'll bet they all know and like each other. There's probably more to this story than race. Maybe alcohol!!!

September 24, 2007 at 3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just seems that Louisiana has received so much negative press lately. Katrina, David Vitter, William Jefferson, Jena 6, not to mention Brittany Spears!

Can our children rise above all this? As moms are we able to produce a generation who won't tolerate ignorance or racial injustice? Will we raise intelligent well educated people who give and honestly deserve respect? I just don't know.

September 24, 2007 at 3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

probably not as long as there are special interest groups out there organizing protests that promote the very ideals they are supposed to be protesting against!
our kids are learning that its okay to believe what others tell you and that having your own opinion is bad-an informed opinion is even more looked down upon-
& that is simply tragic

September 24, 2007 at 7:12 PM  

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