"Britney Loses Her Kids"
I’m sure most of you have heard by now that Britney Spears lost custody of her boys. The court has decided that they are better of with K-Fed.
What has the world come to?
It seems that K-Fed was always the one that was irresponsible. I never thought I would see the day that he would get custody of two children over her.
I’m not saying that it’s not the best decision for all involved. I know that Britney has been acting a little crazy lately.
It does leave me wondering what the judges deciding factor was.
From what I’ve read and heard, it was because Britney has failed a few drug and alcohol tests; not to forget that her body guard has come forward b/c he was concerned about the welfare of her children.
He stated that she was abusing drugs and alcohol in front of the children and walking around nude in front of them.
Was that the deciding factor?
I wonder if K-Fed was also drug and alcohol tested.
Whatever the case, I feel really bad for Britney. I can’t imagine what she must be going through emotionally. She’s definitely had a rough go of things lately. Is this just going to send her over the edge?
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What has the world come to?
It seems that K-Fed was always the one that was irresponsible. I never thought I would see the day that he would get custody of two children over her.
I’m not saying that it’s not the best decision for all involved. I know that Britney has been acting a little crazy lately.
It does leave me wondering what the judges deciding factor was.
From what I’ve read and heard, it was because Britney has failed a few drug and alcohol tests; not to forget that her body guard has come forward b/c he was concerned about the welfare of her children.
He stated that she was abusing drugs and alcohol in front of the children and walking around nude in front of them.
Was that the deciding factor?
I wonder if K-Fed was also drug and alcohol tested.
Whatever the case, I feel really bad for Britney. I can’t imagine what she must be going through emotionally. She’s definitely had a rough go of things lately. Is this just going to send her over the edge?
What’s your opinion?
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I think it's sad that she lost her little boys also. I mainly feel sorry for the kids, not her. She shouldn't have acted like a crazy person.
I feel that since she did everything so young, she probably is just now going through her "rite of passage". Most of the time kids go through this in their late teens. However, she was working at this age. It's sad that the kids have to go through it with her.
Going through a right of passage doesn't make it ok though. She may be, but she needs to take a serious look at her life.
Those boys should be the only thing that's important to her right now.
She has got what she deserved for acting the way she did. Not to mention how many times she srewed up I just think they got her early before her children had to suffer from her fault,now Iam not say the their father is not guilty of any wrong bcause most of the time the people you hang around are doing the same. She knew that as adult she would have to grow up as being a star they are on camera all time , people just waiting for them to caught in a bad act. Just think of what her kids will hear about their mother when they are old enough to understand. It want be long til we hear they find her dead of a over dose are something. If we are going to do the stupid stuff we must be held up to the punishment.
I sure hope it doesn't come to that. Those boys deserve the best they can get. I don't think they're getting it though. I don't think she realized how hard it would be.
Well the way I see it is that K-Fed is no better. He doesnt take care of the other 2 he had before them. The only reason he wants them 2 boys isnt out of love its out of money, and if you havent been watching lately he is starting to party alittle himself. I feel for the 2 kids the most, I believe that britney loves her kids she just thinks everyone is against her. Plus the was the people watch her means no matter what she will always mess up..everyone is looking for her to mess up. So in the public eyes she will always mess up on something.
I feel we don't know either of these people so it is hard to really know who is better than whom. We only know them as the media portrays them. I think we all know the media can put a spin on anything??
Bottom line....I feel sorry for the babies. Children want their Mothers. Sure, playing with Daddy, Grandma, or others might be fun when they are happy! But, when push comes to shove, they want their heads on Momma's shoulder...any of you with children know this is true. My youngest (2 y/o) is the biggest "daddy's boy" you will ever meet. But when he is sad, hurt, tired or sick, it is ALL about ME.
These poor boys are the ones who are going to suffer...no matter which angle you look at the the situation from.
I just hope whatever/whomever needs to be "fixed" is taken care of and these boys can get back with their Mommy.
I do agree with the boys needing their mommy but we as parents must step up and take action that we might cause. I personally feel the father is not wanting to pay child's support and it will be easier on him. Those little boys will need mom, daddy's can't replace a mother no matter what they do. Plus if she has'nt gone crazy by now she will with out having her children like we all we need our children through the bad and the good. These poor children and their poor lost minded parents will have to straighten up for each other.
No one but Britney and Kevin know hwat really goes on in their houses. He seems to be the responsible parent at this time. He may be doing a little partying but everyone needs to unwind and he doesn't seem to be endangering his children. He's making sure they are cared for. I really feel sorry for Britney...everything she says or does is splashed across every tabloid in the country. The poor girl has had no privacy since she was 14 years old. I screw up as a human and sometimes as a parent but thank god it's not publicized for everyone to see and judge me on.
I believe the bodyguard who says Brittany has mental problems. There are emotional issues that don't show up until early 20's.
If her family was focused on making her a star during her childhood they may not have noticed any problems. The drugs and partying could be covering up some of those things. Maybe she knows deep down that her children are better off away from her right now.
As far as nudity in front of the kids goes, honestly that soulds stupid to me. They are so little I doubt they would notice. I can't even go to the bathroom without my little ones following me. A bath by myself, forget about it! Anyway its a very sad deal and she's just the one we know about. Kids get taken away from parents all the time. At least these have a father that wants them, even for the money.
Come on, people. You honestly think the only reason a father wants to their children is to get a check? Bottomline...Everyone knows little Brittany is unstable right now and has been since before she got pregnant the first time. She has enough money to do whatever she wants whenever she wants. She gets bored easily and turns to substances. These things cloud judgement and make one act in ways that would be unlike them under usual circumstances. What sane person shaves off their hair???? A crazy person. A really crazy person does it in front of God and Everybody!!! Hint Hint! Failing to take a drug test to get your children back? Shame on Brittany and anyone who thinks she is being picked on! Thank God a man has some sense and won custody of his kids. Go Kevin!
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