Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"When did 31 become old?"

For all of you moms out there that feel older than your age, I feel your pain.

I swear the day that I turned 30 I started to feel old.

I woke up to my first wrinkles.

Maybe it was that I just hadn’t noticed them before because I felt young.

Maybe it was because Father Time has a little more control than I would like to think.

Who knows?

All I know is that when I put my eye shadow on now, my eyelids move with my eyeshadow brush. I get clumps of make-up there and have to fade it in throughout the day.

Is this Father Time’s cruel idea of a joke?

Why is it that women have to start looking tired as they get older? Why do men start to look better? I hate that!

Am I the only one that has to put 5 pounds of moisturizer on every morning and night so that my face won’t crack and peel off?

On the rare occasion that I forget to do this, I wake up looking like I’ve just had REALLY bad plastic surgery. You know that look.........your face is so stiff from being dry that you can barely smile.

I’m also starting to get puffy things under my eyes. What’s that all about? I feel sometime like my eyes are going to disappear into my head. It could have something to do with the weight that I’ve gained recently. I’d rather blame it on aging though, LOL.

Whatever the reason for this process called aging, I don’t like it!
I guess God is an unwrinkled, good looking man!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was funny! I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling my age. I'm 35. I have 3 kids and feel like I'm 45. I also started showing wrinkles at age 30 or so. It's amazing how quickly they crop up.

November 6, 2007 at 9:42 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

I always thought that I wouldn't have wrinkles until I was in my 40's. My mom didn't wrinkle until around then; from what I remember. I also am hoping that I don't get any gray hair until my 50's. She didn't until she was almost 60. I'm thinking about getting some of that Botox makeup. Has anyone ever used that?

November 6, 2007 at 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 sounds too young to need that much moisturizer. Maybe your facial cleanser is too harsh? As for looking old...if you don't get enough sleep, you'll look older. You have 4 kids, right? Then you can't possible get enough sleep! LOL. Same if you smoke, tan often, or use alcohol or drugs regularly. And if you (sorry) have dry skin.

November 6, 2007 at 9:59 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

Yes, I have 4 boys. I'm sure that's a lot of it. My schedule has a lot to do with it too. I rarely ever get to rest. I do sleep about 6 hours a night though. Maybe I need more. I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. At least I have that working for me. I have been using that Proactive for about 2 years now. Could that be too harsh?

November 6, 2007 at 11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proactive has a toner, right? That could be drying. And a benzoyl peroxide step? If you're prone to breakouts (& I assume you are if you're on Proactive) it's possible you also have sensitive skin (I do, even tho very oily)in which case lots of things can irritate & dry you out. I'm told Cetaphil is good for dry sensitive skin. I follow the Regimen @ acne.org...similar to Proactive, but less expensive if you use OTC stuff. Cost goes up if you buy from the site, however, I can vouch for Dan's cleanser & BP on oily skin; didn't like the moisturizer. Still think Cetaphil would work better for dry skin & it's not supposed to break you out. Hope this helps. Good luck!

November 6, 2007 at 11:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I turned 31 a little less than a month ago. I feel your pain. I can remember when I thought 30 was ancient and low and behold I am 30 + now. I have 3 kids . I started way too young so my oldest is 14 so that makes me feel really old now but I have to say that when I look back at my life and my mistakes I am glad I am still here and I look forward to my next 30 years. At least now I am a lil wiser and can enjoy my kids and live my life to the fullest...

November 6, 2007 at 2:15 PM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

I think Proactiv does have a toner. I'll have to check that when I get home. Good point. Maybe that's my problem. It's was not too long after I started using it that I noticed the wrinkles. I hope the solution is that easy. By the way, the wrinkles are only around my eyes.

November 6, 2007 at 4:01 PM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

If you have 3 kids, one being 14, and you're still alive, kudos to you! I don't think I could do it. I'm sure having a child that young ages you. Do you feel a lot older than you are?

November 6, 2007 at 4:02 PM  

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