Sunday, January 20, 2008

"My New Year's Resolution"

This new year has got me thinking. Should I make a New Year's Resolution? Is it even worth wasting my time and thoughts?

In the past, I have made resolutions. To this day, I have not kept one of them. Not one.

However, this year I feel more compelled to make and keep this one.

I am currently working 30 hours per week, taking 5 college courses, and raising 4 children. Not to mention that I'm having surgery this week.

So, what's my resolution for this year?

To survive all of this without going crazy maybe? To remain civil to my husband and children in spite of the stress I'll be under? You would think.

But, that's not it at all. My resolution is to stop procrastinating so much and start being more motivated when it comes to school.

This is my last semester. I'm due to graduate in May, assuming all goes well. This degree has been a lot of years in the making. I was very indecisive about what I wanted to be "when I grew up". I finally decided on Web Design.

How am I going to keep my resolution? I have no idea. I would appreciate any recommendations or suggestions.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Hello -
Surfing and ran across your post. I'm one of those folks who makes resolutions and keeps them - and eventually decided create a project around my resolutions and helping others - IResolveTo.Com.

I spend a lot of time thinking and writing about why folks make 'em and keep 'em, or 'don't'.

Being vague about what you want to achieve is always a sure way to kill your resolution before you even begin.

If you procrastinate (I do, a lot) what are the 10-20 things that aren't getting done? I'd make a list and start with the most inviting task to get you going - and work from there.

That's my 2 cents. Good luck with your resolution - congrats on school :)

January 21, 2008 at 12:37 AM  
Blogger Melissa Swanson said...

I appreciate your advice. I do need to make a list, of sorts. Thanks for writing.

January 22, 2008 at 7:17 AM  

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