Sunday, August 9, 2009

Scared to go to bed.........

Ok, so it's 11:15 p.m. on Sunday night, and I'm scared to go to bed. Not because there is a monster under my bed or I'm hearing strange noises outside. It's b/c I caught my 4 boys (ages 6, 9, 10 and 12) making a YouTube video of them trying to kill each other, not literally, but that's what they called it. I walked in on them throwing duffle bags full of clothes at my 6 year old's head. So, I shut the computers off, scolded them the best I could and got in bed.

Then, I heard a lot of laughing. I got up and opened the bedroom door and my 12 year old was tied to a chair with a metal pipe running through the rope. I'm not sure what the pipe was about or where they even found it. They said that they were timing him to see how long it would take him to get untied. That was only 5 minutes after I found them making the video. I mean, what was coming next? My husband assures me that this is normal boy behavior.

When you get 4 boys together so close in age, things like this are bound to happen, right? RIght? Or am I just living in a zoo?

Oh, and tomorrow, there will be 6 kids here. I'm also keeping my sister's two kids. Fun, fun! The good part about that is that one of them is a baby. I LOVE babies!

Anyway, now I have to stay up until I think they're asleep. Ugh!

Another 9 year old lost his first molar today. So, I went to get it from him and told him to put it under the pillow in the extra bedroom b/c the tooth fairy wouldn't come in there if one of them was still awake. He looked at me and started laughing. I said, "What?" He said, "Do you really think I believe in the tooth fairy?" I said, "Who told you there wasn't one?" He said, "I'm 9 mom; I'm good like that!" I wanted to start crying right then. My baby is growing up. I say my baby b/c the oldest two boys are my step-sons, so I haven't been around for all of their "losing of teeth". They live with their mom in Texas.

I have to admit that I told my boys that there wasn't an Easter bunny. They caught me putting out the baskets last year. We always go camping on Easter weekend, and I have to keep them in the trunk of the car under a blanket. They saw them before. I tried to lie, but it didn't work. Finally, I said, "Do you really think there is a huge bunny hopping around with a million Easter baskets? That would just freak me out!" They thought that was funny.

Well, that's all for now. I'm sure I bored everyone to death. Maybe I made a few of you realize that your life isn't really that bad after all, LOL.

Oh crap. I just heard one of my boys declaring proudly that he could fart his name. Then, I heard a bunch of boys going, "Ooooh" and gagging. How do you fart your name?

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