Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Addicted to ANTM"

What's your favorite TV show?

For some reason, I find 'America's Next Top Model' very addicting.

For the last few weekends, I've watched the entire season. They start off in the morning showing the first episode of let's say, season 7. Then, the last show of the season ends that night. I spent Monday watching about 10 hours of ANTM!

My husband was about ready to strangle me.

What is it about that show that makes me not be able to stop watching it?

Do any of you have a show that you can't stop watching?

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"Girl's Night Out"

As a lot of you know, we're having a 'Girl's Night Out' get together on Friday, February 29th at 6:30. We're going to be meeting at TGI Fridays.

I wanted to post it here also in case some of you didn't see it in the forums.

We're going to have a blast. This is a great way to "get out of the house" and meet other moms in the area.

If you're shy, come anyway. We don't all know each other; just a select few of us have met.

Once you meet all the "girls", you'll feel more comfortable coming to our other get togethers.

If you'd like to read more detail about the get together and talk to the moms, click HERE to be taken to RedRiverMoms.com.

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"Where am I?"

I'm losing my mind!

Ever since my surgery, in late January, I can't remember anything. I'm not sure if it's the hormones or just being tired. Maybe it's a combination of the two.

I am currently taking 5 college courses. This is my last semester, before graduation, so it's very important that I pass. Well, I keep forgetting that I have classes and assignments.

It's embarrassing to have to email your instructor to tell him/her that you forgot again. I'm hoping that it's just the "menopause" that's causing it. Doesn't menopause cause memory loss? I don't remember.

Two days ago I was driving and ended up on the other side of town. I couldn't remember where I was supposed to be going. I figured out later that I was supposed to be going to Target to return some shoes. For some reason, I was in North Bossier. I think I got the two Targets mixed up. I know it sounds crazy.

But, haven't you ever walked into the bathroom and wondered why in the world you were in there?

Is this what I have to look forward to? Does it just get worse with age or will it get better with HRT (hormone replacement therapy?).

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"How in the h***.......?"

I think I've created a little monster. My 4-year-old son has been given the chore of making sure the bathtub is clean each night after he and his brother take a bath. His job is to put all of the bottles of shampoo on the sides of the tub, hang all of the poufs on the faucet, and squeeze out the washrags and hang them on the side of the tub.

Well, the night before last, I told them to go get in the bathtub. All of a sudden, I heard in a little 4-year-old voice, "How in THE HELL did this get here?". I ran in there to scold him for saying a bad word. He was standing there, in the tub, with his hand on his hip. I said, "Why did you say that?". He said, "I spent all this time cleaning this mess up, and it was all for nothing!". LOL!

I had to leave the room b/c I was laughing so hard. I'm sorry, but it's just funny to hear that come out of a little 4-year-old mouth. He did get in trouble for saying it, but only after I stopped laughing.

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