Friday, August 10, 2007

"She's Having A Baby!"

OMG! I am so excited! I’m not sure if my sister wants me to announce this to the world, but she just found out that she’s pregnant!

This is something that I’ve been waiting for for years. You see, I cannot have any more children and don’t need any more.

So, there’s nothing better than having a sibling that has a baby. You can spoil them and then leave. LOL!

It’s what I imagine being a grandmother will be like.

My boys are very excited also. They are already waiting for the baby to “come out”. My 4 year old said that he wants to be the first one to hold her (if it’s a her).

I don’t have the heart to tell him that he won’t be. So, I’m just going to let him think that he is. I mean, he’s 4. How much can I explain to him anyway?

I think that my sister is hoping for a little boy, though I’m sure she’ll love whatever she has. She already has a little girl though. I think she’s been a handful. Girls are tough.

Not a day goes by that I am not thankful that I had boys. I can’t imagine having all girls. I would be a basket case by now.

To anyone out there that has girls, my hats off to you!

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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"Am I Spoiling Him?"

Here we go….it’s time to start karate!

My 4 year olds first class is tonight. He gets to dress up in his little karate uniform, with his white belt, and all!

He is so excited that he didn’t want to go to preschool this morning. I reminded him that he would be having karate class tonight without thinking that he had no concept of time.

Of course he asked, “Can we go right now?”

I had to try to explain to him that it didn’t start until tonight. If anyone has ever tried to explain the concept of time to a 4 year old, you know how it went.

I have found, through the advice of my readers, that this time should be spent doting over my 4 year old. We are spending a lot of quality time together.

Here’s my problem……….

For some reason, I have been taking him to buy a new toy every night. It’s not that I feel like I have to buy his love. I think that I just run out of things to do.

So, we go to either Target or Toys R Us, usually get a new train for his GeoTrax set, and take it home and set it up.

He is really into toy trains! He’s got the GeoTrax set and the Thomas Take Along set. He LOVES them.

For now, I’ll try not to worry too much about spoiling him. There will come a point to where he’ll expect it though.

Oh, and if you haven't read my previous posts, you may want to go back and read some of them so that you can see why this is important to me.

What do you think?

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