Thursday, February 28, 2008

"Missing Jamaica"

My husband and I went to Jamaica on our honeymoon on March 22, 2005. We had such a blast!

I am missing Jamaica so bad.

Have any of you ever been?

We stayed at the Sandals Grande Ocho Rios in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. There were no kids allowed. That's why we picked it. It was great!

Together, he and I have 4 boys; now ages 5, 8, 9, and 10. At that time, they were 2, 5, 6, and 7. When I say we were tired all the time, you have no idea.
We were so happy to get away that we didn't really care where we went. There was something comforting about being on an island in the middle of the ocean, with no possibility of being contacted by the "outside world".

Most parents would be worried about leaving their children and leaving the country. I didn't have that problem at all. My boys stayed with their father and his with their mother. They were in completely capable hands.

Now we both can't wait to get back to Jamaica.

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"Sock Mystery Solved!"

How many of you have searched high and low looking for your socks? Have you ever thought you were losing your mind? You knew you put them in the dryer together. Why are they not in there any more?

There has been talk of a "sock monster". Does he really exist?

Well, if you're missing your socks, I have the answer. I know where they are!

It's a mystery solved!

They are all under my trampoline in my backyard.

I walked outside yesterday to see if my 4 year old son had left his shoes out there after playing with his brother.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

There was an arsenal of socks under the trampoline. Everywhere I looked, SOCKS, SOCKS, SOCKS!

There is no way that my children wore all of those socks by themselves.

As a child, we used to have a golden retriever that would run the neighborhood and take peoples shoes off of their porches and bring them back to our yard.

Could my kids being doing this with other people's socks? LOL!

I'm sure the parent's of our neighbors have been missing theirs also.

So, if you're missing your socks, I have them.

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"Growing Pains"

I was so depressed today. What should have been a happy day for me, ended up being a day for reflection and sadness.

You see, my 4 year old baby turned 5. To me, 5 is sounds so much older than 4. He's become school age now.

If it was up to me, I would keep him little forever. I have truly enjoyed him being little.

With my first child, I was tired and stressed out a lot; just from being a new mother and having a new baby.

This time around, it's so much easier. I have actually taken the time to enjoy my children the last few years.

It kills me to watch them grow up though.

My 8 year old is turning into a little man. He says things that are way too old for an 8 year old to say. He's forming opinions of his own and wants to do his own thing now.

I miss the day when he wanted to be with me. Where did that little boy go?

So, I'm faced with the same dilemma I was faced with 3 years ago. My baby is growing up.

I don't like it one bit! I guess you could say that I'm having growing pains.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Liar, Liar"

I have another dilemma with my 8 year old son.

He is constantly lying to me about whether or not he has homework. I've caught him so many times, in a lie, that I'm in disbelief.

I was starting to wonder if this was part of his ADHD or he was just being a rotten kid. But, I knew he wasn't a bad kid. He's very loving and sweet, and smart, and all of those things that all mothers say about their kids, LOL.

But why is he lying to me on a daily basis?

Well, I decided to do some reasearch on this subject.

I read somewhere that it's part of a child's normal developmental process to lie. It read that it's part of how they learn social behaviors. Supposedly, kids lie to make their parents happy. They try to conform to what they think their parents want to hear.

I don't get it though.

Now, when he tells me that he doesn't have any homework; that the teacher said they he didn't have to do it today, I tell him to go get out some worksheets or a book and get busy. Then he'll usually say, "Oh, I forgot, I do have a math sheet to do." LOL!

So how do you deal with this? Should I punish him for it? I've read that punishing them for it only brings attention to it.

Any advice, click HERE.

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Do any of you have this problem?

My 8 year old son has absolutely no common sense. He is an extremely smart kid. He makes straight A's. But, sometimes he does some of the most ridiculous things.

For example, after school today he and his little brother went outside to play on the trampoline. Keep in mind that it was about 48 degrees outside, and windy. He decided that he was going to take his shirt and his shoes and socks off. I was inside taking a test and didn't see all of this take place.

All of a sudden, we heard him crying. A kid that was over, that lives 2 doors down, ran in to tell us that my son was hurt and couldn't walk.

My husband ran outside to see what was wrong with him. We were, of course, thinking that he had gotten hurt on the trampoline.

Turns out that he had gotten so cold that he could no longer feel his feet. Duh!

He said, "I can't feel my feet any more. I don't know what's wrong." I guess it scared him.

My husband said that they were freezing and almost blue.

Why don't kids understand that when it's cold outside, you can't take your clothes off? Isn't that obvious?

I suppose my mother would tell me I did the same thing when I was little.

Do any of you have kids that do things that just don't make sense?

Send me a comment by clicking HERE. I would love to hear your stories.

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