Friday, November 9, 2007

"Giving Birth Control Pills to Students?"

I'm sure all of you have heard about the middle school in Maine that is offering their students birth control pills in their clinic without their parent's consent.

If not, click here to read more.

I just wonder how many of the parents there are against it? I know that the parents have the right to refuse to let their child go to the clinic b/c of this. However, that leaves the child out of getting basic medical care that they may not get otherwise.

So, what's a parent to do?

Do you fight?

Do you pull your child out of this school?

Do you let your daughter take the birth control pills behind your back?

Personally, I would sit down with my daughter and tell her that if she came to the point to where she needed them, to please come talk to me first. That's just my opinion.

What would you do?

Post your comments and read others HERE.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

"A Cup of Coffee"

This weekend was wonderful.

We just moved into a new house and have a great backyard.

My husband and I put together the kid’s trampoline.

I can’t tell you how good it felt to just sit out in my backyard on my wooden swing and watch my husband and my kids play.

He played football with them. He wrestled with them on the trampoline. It was great!

You know that feeling you get when you just sit and stare at your children when they’re sleeping, wondering how you could have created something so beautiful?

Well, I had that feeling while they were awake!

It’s a miracle!

All I was missing was a cup of coffee!

I think I’m getting old!

Here’s some proof of that.......

The last two months or so, if I wake up anytime past 5:00 in the morning (to go to the bathroom), I don’t go back to sleep. So, I end up getting up at 5 or 5:30 every morning and watching the news; and I look forward to it!

If that’s not proof, I don’t know what is.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

"Growing Pains"

Last night I had a major flashback to the days when my boys were babies.

I was up all night with my 7 year old son.

I think he was either having growing pains or Charlie Horses.

I felt like a horrible mother because I was getting so frustrated with him. I did not like being woken up. I did sit and massage his leg each time I got up.

There’s just something about a big kid screaming in the middle of the night that gets under my skin. I kept telling him, “There’s nothing I can do about it. Stop crying!”

I know that it was just my frustration with being woken up that was talking. What in the world was I supposed to do to fix that? I tried giving him Tylenol, Benadryl, massaging, and holding him. Nothing worked.

I finally had to just sit there with him. I fell asleep, sitting on the edge of his bed several times.

I think he just wanted me to sit there and watch him cry.

It’s a horrible feeling to see your child in pain and not be able to do anything about it. He was looking at me as if he was thinking, “Why can’t you fix this?”

Does anyone have any tips on Charlie Horse or growing pains?

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"When did 31 become old?"

For all of you moms out there that feel older than your age, I feel your pain.

I swear the day that I turned 30 I started to feel old.

I woke up to my first wrinkles.

Maybe it was that I just hadn’t noticed them before because I felt young.

Maybe it was because Father Time has a little more control than I would like to think.

Who knows?

All I know is that when I put my eye shadow on now, my eyelids move with my eyeshadow brush. I get clumps of make-up there and have to fade it in throughout the day.

Is this Father Time’s cruel idea of a joke?

Why is it that women have to start looking tired as they get older? Why do men start to look better? I hate that!

Am I the only one that has to put 5 pounds of moisturizer on every morning and night so that my face won’t crack and peel off?

On the rare occasion that I forget to do this, I wake up looking like I’ve just had REALLY bad plastic surgery. You know that look.........your face is so stiff from being dry that you can barely smile.

I’m also starting to get puffy things under my eyes. What’s that all about? I feel sometime like my eyes are going to disappear into my head. It could have something to do with the weight that I’ve gained recently. I’d rather blame it on aging though, LOL.

Whatever the reason for this process called aging, I don’t like it!
I guess God is an unwrinkled, good looking man!

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Monday, November 5, 2007

"Something's Gotta Give"

I’m sure I’m not the only mom going through this. I want to share this little tidbit of my life in hopes that someone out there has a solution for me.

First, let me tell you a little about myself:

I’m a 31 year old mother of 4 boys. They are 4, 7, 8, and 10. The older two don’t live with us. They are my step-sons and live with their mother in Texas. However, they do stay here often.

I’m also a student majoring in Web Design. I work part-time.

Here’s my problem........

Starting next semester (January), I will be going to school full time. That means I’ll be taking 4 classes, probably at night. I will be working about 32 hours per week or more.

Right now both of my boys are taking karate. So, twice a week for two hours, I sit up at the karate place with them.

Last year my 7 year old son played fast-pitch baseball. He wants to play again this year, of course.

Not thinking, I promised my 4 year old son that I would let him play teeball this next year as well.

How in the world am I going to manage all of this? Last year, when my older son was playing baseball and karate, we had something every night but Thursday. I’m sure my younger son’s teeball will take the only extra night.

How do you balance the schedules of the two kids? I cannot take them out of karate b/c it’s a year round activity. I guess I can continue to pay for it and not do it. I don’t want to teach them that it’s ok to quit one thing just to do another. Plus, they want to do it.

As long as my son’s grades aren’t suffering, I don’t have a problem with it. I just wonder if any other moms have dealt with this kind of schedule? How do you do it?

Share your tips HERE.

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"What's happening to the world?"

There have been so many bad things in the news lately that it’s got my mind racing again.

What’s the deal with all the school shootings?

There are many questions that I ask myself when I see these stories:

Where are the kids getting the guns?

Are the parents responsible for their kids actions?

Why didn’t someone see the signs and do something before it happened?

Is there anything that really could have been done to prevent it?

Do you feel there is anything that, as a parent, you need to do to keep your child safe in his/her school?

I’m sure that most moms ask themselves some of these same questions.

There have also been a rash of children being run over while crossing streets, etc. Why?

Kids have always crossed streets. Is the media just reporting it more or are the number of accidents going up?

After hearing about some of the recent stories of children being run over, I wonder how old a child should be before he/she is allowed to ride his/her bike in a neighborhood (assuming it has sidewalks). My son is 7. I let him ride to his friends’ houses every once in a while. Is that too young?

Boys are just so independent. I know when I was 7 I rode all over the neighborhood. Have things changed too much?

Update: I've answered my own question about whether a 7 year old was too young to ride his bike to his friend's house. My son was found last night about 7 blocks from our house crying and screaming my name. He was lost. Thankfully, a nice lady noticed him and brought him to me. If you're reading this Mrs. Wallace, thank you!!!!!! Thanks also for telling him to never ride with strangers, LOL! Needless to say, my son will not be riding his bike to his friend's house for a while. I knew there were dangers, but it never crossed my mind that he could get lost going around the corner. What is the appropriate age for that?

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