Friday, July 27, 2007

"Flashback To The 80's"

Last night, I attended an 80’s flashback party. Everyone dressed up like they were living in the 80’s again.

You have no idea how much fun that was to me!

I LOVED the 80’s. I loved the big hair, the bangled bracelets, and the bright makeup.

I’m sure my parents wouldn’t agree. I was outrageous in the 80’s. I would wear a ball cap, flip the brim up, and spike my bangs over the top of it. Then, I would get mad when they wouldn’t let me go to church like that.

My poor parents!

So, last night I wore some black stretch pants and a pink tank-top with a black mesh top over it. I tied the black mesh top in a knot on the side. I remember this to be the “in thing”.

Over my black stretch pants, I wore some pink leg warmers. Then, to make it worse, I wore two pair of socks; one pink and one white. Do you remember stacking the different colored socks?

I found some horribly gaudy hot pink earrings at Wal-Mart. I also found some glittery jelly bracelets.

I was just missing one thing; the perfect shoes. I searched high and low for some jelly shoes. Remember those? I just remember how much they hurt my feet. One of my toes would always be sticking out of one of the holes.

Oh, I forgot to mention; to top it all off, I wore bright blue eye shadow, hot pink lipstick, and WAY too much blush!

All in all, it was a great night! I can’t wait for the next one!

I’m telling everyone now, save your clothes and put them in a time capsule of some sort. They WILL come back in style. Everything from the 80’s is on it’s way back! Yikes!

Has anyone else had a favorite decade that they’d like to relive?

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

“The Child That Leaves”

I want to thank all of my readers. I just started writing this blog this month. I have found it to be lots of fun though. I really enjoy having people respond, whether it’s positive or not, and tell me their opinions. After all, that’s what a blog is for.

I have assumed the role of the controversial mom, I think. To me, parenting is all about the ups and downs.

I feel that it’s important to share my experiences in hopes that it may help someone else out there that is going through the same thing.

On that note, I digress…….

I am absolutely devastated by some recent events. My 7 year old and 4 year old sons went and stayed with their father this summer, in Texas. About 1 week ago, the 4 year old came back. He just couldn’t be away from his mommy any more.

The 7 year old hasn’t come back. The problem is he may not. He has decided that he wants to live with his daddy now. This has absolutely broken my heart. I fought and fought with my ex-husband to let him continue to live with me, but he just wasn’t going for it. He really wants him there.

I completely understand how he feels. I have no worries that my baby will be taken care of there. He’s a great father! I’m lucky to at least have that. But, I just cannot get past the fact that he’s going to be split up from his little brother. I know that it will devastate the 4 year old.

Personally, I don’t think my 7 year old is old enough to make such a complicated decision. I feel like the parents are the ones that should make decisions like that. I feel like it’s my job to just tell him how it’s going to be and make him understand we have his best interest at heart.

The thing is I have his father to worry about as well. I do want him to be happy. Being apart from his children has been a constant struggle for him. I have no hostilities against my ex. So, I feel that I need to try to be more understanding.

I just don’t think that I’m being unreasonable to not want to split them up. What do you think?

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Monday, July 23, 2007

“What’s Your Teen Wearing? ”

I was wondering. Has anyone else out there had this thought? Teens should not be wearing clothes that reveal their stomachs and rear-ends.

And what’s with the thongs?

I was sitting at Sonic a few days ago and saw this teenage girl sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the drive-thru, eating a hamburger. She had on some extremely low-rise jeans. Apparently, at least I hope, she was not aware that her hot pink thong was sticking out of her pants.

I’m not talking about the top portion of her thong. I’m saying that the entire thing, crack and all, was showing.

There were cars full of teenage boys and men that were cracking up. This poor girl was overweight. So, it was funny to them.

I wanted, badly, to say something to her; to warn her about all the attention she was unexpectedly receiving.

Then, I noticed it! The clincher! She was doing this on purpose!

Her thong had diamond (or rhinestone) studs on them. Why would a person have diamond studs on their undies if no one was going to see them?

Now, I consider myself pretty hip for a mom. I try to be cool. I’m 31 years old and am pretty laid back. But, all I have to say is “her poor parents.”

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"Watch Your Kids Please"

My previous blog about “The Local Hangout” got me thinking. It’s really sad that some people use their neighbors as babysitters. Let me first say, I’m not referring to the people that live directly on either side of me. I’m referring to other parents in our neighborhood.

Isn’t it just common sense that a 5 year old child should not be riding their bike in the street without an adult watching them? Or am I just paranoid?

Here’s another thing that’s got me thinking. Why is it that when I go outside to pick up the barrage of things that have been left in my yard, I find other children’s pants? I can almost understand little boys leaving their shirts in the yard, but pants? Come on!

What child went home without their pants and the parent didn’t wonder where they were? If my child came home without his pants on, I would lose it!

I have an entire collection of shirts, pants, socks, and shoes that have been found in my yard. I could outfit my entire family with this stuff. But, normally I just throw it away. I got tired of saving it and waiting until someone came looking for it.

Anyway, I digress……

The whole point of this story is that parents need to be watching their children; especially the little ones! I’m tired of backing out of my driveway wondering if a child has run behind my car. I always wonder, “Will this be the day that I’ll hit a child?” That really shouldn’t be something I think about every day.

Check out the comments and share yours by clicking HERE.

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